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Finance Practice

With the future of financial services rapidly taking shape, firms must heed the call to embrace human-centered capitalism by engaging in more direct, personalized, meaningful, and socially responsible ways.

The financial services industry is at a pivotal point in its evolution. Against a backdrop of new technologies, evolving investment preferences, and other drivers of change, human dynamics are reshaping global business and society, transforming the economy from being producer-led to one led by consumers. Financial institutions will be called upon to rebuild public trust, contribute to a more just and sustainable world, and build a more equitable financial services industry where profit and societal impact coexist amicably.

Why now? While the world has never been simple or certain, it’s safe to say that no amount of forecasting or future-proofing could have prepared us for 2020. In its wake, everything has changed. The coalescence of issues like prosperity, growth, energy, social cohesion, governance, equity, conflict, security, ecology, and sustainability has created a watershed moment unlike any other. To move forward, the financial services industry must go beyond recouping lost profits by addressing major societal issues, nurturing new markets, profiting in collaboration with multiple stakeholders—and most importantly, putting consumers at the center of everything they do. We view this imperative for change as an opportunity for financial institutions to positively affect society without negatively affecting profits. This belief guides our vision for the future and inspires us to redefine the bottom line. For us, it’s no longer just the sum total of profits and losses. A higher bottom line values the future of our planet and people just as much as profits. It blurs the line between the striving and the successful until there’s less inequality and more shared wealth. In short, our vision is one of a higher bottom line that represents both the financial and human profit to be gained from a more educated, equitable, sustainable world. We would like to represent our clients our vision for a more human-centered future of financial services, the forces driving it, and the massive role forward-looking financial services firms must adopt to thrive in it. To think boldly and innovate ambitiously. To not just prosper in the future, but define it. And to create real and lasting change for the better on a global scale. Our hope is that you will embrace this perspective not just for the business imperative it outlines, but also for the opportunity it presents to lead the way to a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all. Join us. And elevate your bottom line until it’s one that truly sets your business apart.  

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