Approve format of shares certificate
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to section 45, 46 read with the rules of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014, draft of a share certificate, in format of form SH-1, is tabled for approval of format of the share certificate that shall be issued on any issue / allotment of share capital.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the format as tabled before the meeting and initiated by the Chairman for the purpose of identification be and is hereby approved.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr./Ms [●] [Insert name of Director], holding DIN [[●] [Insert 8 digits DIN], and Mr./Ms [●] [Insert name of Director], holding DIN [[●] [Insert 8 digits DIN], Directors of the Company, severally, be and is hereby authorized to get the said share certificates printed and keep in safe custody.”